On Saturday, we partied like it was 1999 and it was AWESOME! There was plenty of food, fun and dancing. Prizes were given away to who married their high school sweet heart (Jackie and Veronica), most kids (Tino, Jessica and Nakia with 3 each), who still drives their car from high school (Hector) and who traveled the farthest (Katherine from Missouri), who has been married the longest (Alice-10 years in February) and who works the oddest job-I can't remember who won, but the details discussed were interesting. Everyone had great time. It was fun being able to catch up with everyone and to see how people have changed over the years. The hard work that the committee put in paid off.
Pictures from Saturday have been posted on shutterfly. Click HERE to check them out. You just need to create an account (which is FREE) if you would like to order pictures. You can also GO HERE to see more pictures. If you have your own pictures posted some where on the web and would like to post a link here, just send it to Elaine at: elaine_ward@hotmail.com.
Again it was great seeing everyone and we hope to see you in another 10!
Welcome Class of 1999!!
We came. We saw. We conquered. The 10 year reunion was a BLAST!!! Thanks to those of you that came out and sorry we missed those of you that couldn't. But there always the next one. This site will stay open. We would like to continue to have a place where people can go to find classmates and to spot-light the success of our classmates.
If you haven't done so already, contact Elaine Mercado (our web-master) at elaine_ward@hotmail.com and provide her with the link to your myspace/facebook/blog page (which ever one you want to be linked to your name). Ladies, if you've gotten married please be sure to give her both your married and maiden name. You will be listed by your maiden name.
Spread the word. We want to get everyone on here.
If you haven't done so already, contact Elaine Mercado (our web-master) at elaine_ward@hotmail.com and provide her with the link to your myspace/facebook/blog page (which ever one you want to be linked to your name). Ladies, if you've gotten married please be sure to give her both your married and maiden name. You will be listed by your maiden name.
Spread the word. We want to get everyone on here.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Final Details
The reunion is just two weeks away-can you guys believe it?! Here are some final details and reminders for you:
1) Ticket prices have permanently been reduced to $35 each ($70 per couple). You can purchase your tickets at this price until Sunday, August 23rd. Tickets may still be purchased at the door for $45 per person. So, if you haven't gotten your ticket(s) yet jump on it! Be sure to tell our fellow classmates about it to. We want EVERYONE there!!
2) Friday, August 28th we will be having our pack and play at Rahilly Park (off Parsons past Olive Ave). Meet at the park at 6pm. Bring your own blankets (or chairs) and dinner. Come visit with friends and meet their kids. If you've never been to Rahilly Park there are plenty of play structures for kids and plenty of room to sit and enjoy a nice summer evening breeze while catching up with old friends. Even if you don't have kids, we still want you there. Come and enjoy some good company before the real party begins on Saturday!
The committee is getting excited to see everyone. Remember, we want as many of our classmates as possible. Let everyone know.
See you in two weeks!
1) Ticket prices have permanently been reduced to $35 each ($70 per couple). You can purchase your tickets at this price until Sunday, August 23rd. Tickets may still be purchased at the door for $45 per person. So, if you haven't gotten your ticket(s) yet jump on it! Be sure to tell our fellow classmates about it to. We want EVERYONE there!!
2) Friday, August 28th we will be having our pack and play at Rahilly Park (off Parsons past Olive Ave). Meet at the park at 6pm. Bring your own blankets (or chairs) and dinner. Come visit with friends and meet their kids. If you've never been to Rahilly Park there are plenty of play structures for kids and plenty of room to sit and enjoy a nice summer evening breeze while catching up with old friends. Even if you don't have kids, we still want you there. Come and enjoy some good company before the real party begins on Saturday!
The committee is getting excited to see everyone. Remember, we want as many of our classmates as possible. Let everyone know.
See you in two weeks!
Monday, August 3, 2009
On Friday, August 28th we will be having a pack & play date at Rahilly Park. Fellow classmate, Stefanie Vega, suggested we as a class get together with our families (since kids aren't allowed at the reunion on Saturday) and we think that's a WONDERFUL idea. Thanks Stefanie!
Food will not be provided, but you are more than welcome to pack your own picnic and bring it. Some details are still being worked out, so be sure to check back frequently.
Even if you don't have kids, still come! It's guaranteed to be fun!
We'll see you (and your cute kids) in a few weeks Class of '99!
Food will not be provided, but you are more than welcome to pack your own picnic and bring it. Some details are still being worked out, so be sure to check back frequently.
Even if you don't have kids, still come! It's guaranteed to be fun!
We'll see you (and your cute kids) in a few weeks Class of '99!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Mother's Love
I received an email from Ryan Crane's mom. With her permission, I share it with the rest of the class.
Dear Elaine,
I just wanted to thank you for including Ryan in your reunion. As a parent of a child that has died, when everything is said and done, your greatest fear is that no one will remember your child. As I was reading the paper on Saturday morning I saw the ad for the reunion and was curious and wanted to see what it looked like. I cannot tell you the joy that seeing Ryan's name on the top of the page brought to my heart. There are many days when I long for someone to say his name and let me know that they do remember him and miss him. Even though seeing his name is bitter/sweet for me it still means so much to me. I have many memories of all the accomplishments Ryan had at Golden Valley and all of the wonderful friends he had there. He loved school and his friends.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Mrs. Dora Crane
In a separate email, she also said that it is always wonderful to hear from people that knew Ryan and she would love to hear from them. Her email is: RBKSMOM@comcast.net.
We'll see you in August class of 1999!
Dear Elaine,
I just wanted to thank you for including Ryan in your reunion. As a parent of a child that has died, when everything is said and done, your greatest fear is that no one will remember your child. As I was reading the paper on Saturday morning I saw the ad for the reunion and was curious and wanted to see what it looked like. I cannot tell you the joy that seeing Ryan's name on the top of the page brought to my heart. There are many days when I long for someone to say his name and let me know that they do remember him and miss him. Even though seeing his name is bitter/sweet for me it still means so much to me. I have many memories of all the accomplishments Ryan had at Golden Valley and all of the wonderful friends he had there. He loved school and his friends.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Mrs. Dora Crane
In a separate email, she also said that it is always wonderful to hear from people that knew Ryan and she would love to hear from them. Her email is: RBKSMOM@comcast.net.
We'll see you in August class of 1999!
Friday, June 26, 2009
We need pictures!
Hey guys! It's Elaine. The reunion is FAST approaching and I still haven't received any pictures to put on here. Remember to email them to elaine_ward@hotmail.com.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Missing Classmates
Below is a list of classmates that we are still looking for. We want to make sure that EVERYONE is aware of our reunion. If you know their address, send it to us at: gvhs99reunion@gmail.com OR direct them to the site so they can provide us with their contact information. Also, if you see someone on this list and they are no longer with us, please email Elaine at: elaine_ward@hotmail.com so she can add them to our memory list. Thanks for your help guys!
Abarca, Bertin
Adair, Jenny
Aguilar, Alice
Alcorn, Tracy
Alhomady, Damier
Avila, Roseanne
Bewley, Amber
Breth, Amy
Brummell, Jerry
Campos, Monique
Carillo, Omar
Chanthavongsor, Somsanouk
Ceja, Luz
Ceja, Rosalba
Ceja, Sandra
Celiz, Karina
Cha, Karine
Chang, May
Chang, Pao
Chang, Vong
Charo, Miriam
Cheng, Xee
Clendenin, Alicia
Conover, Brandon
Cota, Juan
Courtney, Garrett
Crabb, Jolene
Da Silva, Ellen
Dias, Lloyd
Espinosa, Angelica
Fernandez, Melissa
Fournier, Daniel
Fuentes, Naomi
Garcia, Kelly
Garibay, Peter
Garza, Eduardo
Gibson, Christopher
Gonzalez, Caesar
Gonzalez, Michael
Gonzalez, Raymond
Graham, Lacey
Green, Tina
Gregory, Tara
Gutierrez, Jorge
Harris, Daniel
Henderson, Lukas
Her, Melanie
Herrera, Constantino
Howard, Husayn
Jackson, Jeremiah
Jimenez, Ana
Jimenez, Horatio
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, Joshua
Judd, Jennifer
Khamphoumy, Latsamy
Khammanivong, Bounmy
Khammanivong, Vanesy
Krall, Justin
Krumm, Dennis
Kue, Ta
La Cava, Jonathan
Lee, Bao
Lee, Jim
Lee, Joua
Lee, Neng
Lee, Seng
Lee, Song
Lee, Teng
Lewis, Richard
Madsen, Mette
Martin, John
Mathieu, Jeremy
Mc Dermott, Jarrod
Medina, Luis
Mendoza, Monica
Miao, Xiao
Monje, Carmina
Morales, Rebecca
Moua, Dee
Moua, Fou
Moua, Gene
Moua, Leng
Moua, Lisa
Moua, Lisam
Moua, Ma
Moua, Ming
Moua, Virginia
Moua, Yang
Moua, Yeng
Mullen, Steven
Munoz, Jose
Nunez, Olga
Oliva, Rosalinda
Ortiz, Keri
Ortiz, Vanessa
Owens, Cassandra
Padilla, Kevin
Padron, Melissa
Perry, Tyrone
Pistorio, Alberto
Plascencia, Mayela
Powers, Michelle
Ramos, Katarina
Reeves, Brigitte
Rehling, Marcel
Reid, Tina
Reyes, Miguel
Roach, Jimmy
Robinson, Tamara
Rodriguez, Engrique
Rodriguez, Jovita
Rodriguez, Justin
Rodriguez, Rafael
Rojas, Ricardo
Sabin, Roger
Sadeghi, Arash
Saechao, Chan
Saechao, Cheng
Saechao, Fay
Saechao, Khae
Saechao, Meuy
Saefong, Meuy
Saelee, Chiet
Saelee, Fuey
Saelee, Lo
Saelee, Meuy
Saelee, Muang
Saelee, Senjienh
Saengdara, Tomy
Saenz, Cristina
Saephanh, Lo
Saeteurn, Meuy
Sanchez, Robert
Sandoval, Luis
Segebart, Christina
Soberanes, Luis
Thao, Bee
Thao, Cheng
Thao, Mai
Thao, Shae
Thow, Ladda
Torres, Gustavo
Treat, Laura
Vang, Lee
Vang, Nou
Vang, Pa Tao
Vang, Pang
Van Horn, Michelle
Van Zile, Michael
Vasquez, Lorena
Vega, Maria
Vidales, Ronald
Vieira, Veronica
Walker, Richard
Whittemore, Sean
Williamson, Robert
Wilson, Brandon
Xiong, Bao
Xiong, Eileen
Xiong, John
Xiong, Ka
Xiong, Koua
Xiong, Long
Xiong, Maile
Xiong, Mane
Xiong, Nyie
Xiong, Pai
Xiong, Thao
Xiong, Tou Lee
Xiong, Yang
Yang, Geneven
Yang, Vang
Yang, Jackson
Yang, Pa
Abarca, Bertin
Adair, Jenny
Aguilar, Alice
Alcorn, Tracy
Alhomady, Damier
Avila, Roseanne
Bewley, Amber
Breth, Amy
Brummell, Jerry
Campos, Monique
Carillo, Omar
Chanthavongsor, Somsanouk
Ceja, Luz
Ceja, Rosalba
Ceja, Sandra
Celiz, Karina
Cha, Karine
Chang, May
Chang, Pao
Chang, Vong
Charo, Miriam
Cheng, Xee
Clendenin, Alicia
Conover, Brandon
Cota, Juan
Courtney, Garrett
Crabb, Jolene
Da Silva, Ellen
Dias, Lloyd
Espinosa, Angelica
Fernandez, Melissa
Fournier, Daniel
Fuentes, Naomi
Garcia, Kelly
Garibay, Peter
Garza, Eduardo
Gibson, Christopher
Gonzalez, Caesar
Gonzalez, Michael
Gonzalez, Raymond
Graham, Lacey
Green, Tina
Gregory, Tara
Gutierrez, Jorge
Harris, Daniel
Henderson, Lukas
Her, Melanie
Herrera, Constantino
Howard, Husayn
Jackson, Jeremiah
Jimenez, Ana
Jimenez, Horatio
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, Joshua
Judd, Jennifer
Khamphoumy, Latsamy
Khammanivong, Bounmy
Khammanivong, Vanesy
Krall, Justin
Krumm, Dennis
Kue, Ta
La Cava, Jonathan
Lee, Bao
Lee, Jim
Lee, Joua
Lee, Neng
Lee, Seng
Lee, Song
Lee, Teng
Lewis, Richard
Madsen, Mette
Martin, John
Mathieu, Jeremy
Mc Dermott, Jarrod
Medina, Luis
Mendoza, Monica
Miao, Xiao
Monje, Carmina
Morales, Rebecca
Moua, Dee
Moua, Fou
Moua, Gene
Moua, Leng
Moua, Lisa
Moua, Lisam
Moua, Ma
Moua, Ming
Moua, Virginia
Moua, Yang
Moua, Yeng
Mullen, Steven
Munoz, Jose
Nunez, Olga
Oliva, Rosalinda
Ortiz, Keri
Ortiz, Vanessa
Owens, Cassandra
Padilla, Kevin
Padron, Melissa
Perry, Tyrone
Pistorio, Alberto
Plascencia, Mayela
Powers, Michelle
Ramos, Katarina
Reeves, Brigitte
Rehling, Marcel
Reid, Tina
Reyes, Miguel
Roach, Jimmy
Robinson, Tamara
Rodriguez, Engrique
Rodriguez, Jovita
Rodriguez, Justin
Rodriguez, Rafael
Rojas, Ricardo
Sabin, Roger
Sadeghi, Arash
Saechao, Chan
Saechao, Cheng
Saechao, Fay
Saechao, Khae
Saechao, Meuy
Saefong, Meuy
Saelee, Chiet
Saelee, Fuey
Saelee, Lo
Saelee, Meuy
Saelee, Muang
Saelee, Senjienh
Saengdara, Tomy
Saenz, Cristina
Saephanh, Lo
Saeteurn, Meuy
Sanchez, Robert
Sandoval, Luis
Segebart, Christina
Soberanes, Luis
Thao, Bee
Thao, Cheng
Thao, Mai
Thao, Shae
Thow, Ladda
Torres, Gustavo
Treat, Laura
Vang, Lee
Vang, Nou
Vang, Pa Tao
Vang, Pang
Van Horn, Michelle
Van Zile, Michael
Vasquez, Lorena
Vega, Maria
Vidales, Ronald
Vieira, Veronica
Walker, Richard
Whittemore, Sean
Williamson, Robert
Wilson, Brandon
Xiong, Bao
Xiong, Eileen
Xiong, John
Xiong, Ka
Xiong, Koua
Xiong, Long
Xiong, Maile
Xiong, Mane
Xiong, Nyie
Xiong, Pai
Xiong, Thao
Xiong, Tou Lee
Xiong, Yang
Yang, Geneven
Yang, Vang
Yang, Jackson
Yang, Pa
Monday, April 6, 2009
What Carmen Olmos has been up to the last 10 years. . .

After nearly two years of chasing after toddlers, and teaching them their ABCs, the early stages of impulse control, and how to share their toys with others, I made the decision to go back to school and pursue my multiple-subjects teaching credential. I've wanted to have my own classroom for the longest time and look forward to teaching either 3rd or 4th grade, and preparing children to be future leaders of America. = )

I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion and reminiscing about past memories. Ten years!!?? Wow, where did the time go?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Date has been announced!
A date for the 10 year reunion has been announced! Be sure to check out right side panel for the date and a link to purchase tickets. See you guys in August!
p.s. Be sure to tell people from our class that have not been notified via facebook or myspace. We want everyone there :)
p.s. Be sure to tell people from our class that have not been notified via facebook or myspace. We want everyone there :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
In Memory of: Grant Kuhr
Grant F. Kuhr
1981 - 2009
Grant F. Kuhr entered into heaven at home, surrounded by his loving family and friends after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Grant graduated from Merced High School in 1999 and was united in marriage to Bethany Redondo in 2003. He was employed by Central Valley Concrete as a dispatcher. Grant enjoyed playing baseball, slow-pitch softball, and golf. Grant loved to spend time with his family, friends, and pets, but he was most passionate about coaching baseball for Merced High School.
Grant is survived in death by his wife Bethany Kuhr of Merced, CA; his parents Gary and Janet Kuhr of Riverside, CA; his sister Nicole and her husband Chris Hernandez and their children Kailee and Aidan; his brother Drew Kuhr of Riverside, CA; his grandparents Bruce and Florence Gray of Hilmar, CA; his grandfather Norman Kuhr of Chowchilla, CA; Andy and Rita Redondo of Merced, CA; and several other family members and many friends. He was preceded in death by his grandmother Virginia Kuhr and grandfather William Price.
The family would like to extend a special thanks to Hinds Hospice of Merced.
A visitation for Grant will be held on Friday, March 13 at Bear Creek Community Church from 4-8pm with a Celebration of Life Ceremony at 6:00pm. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 9:00am on Saturday, March 14th with graveside burial following in Chowchilla, CA. Funeral services directed by Stratford Evans Merced Funeral Chapel.
1981 - 2009
Grant F. Kuhr entered into heaven at home, surrounded by his loving family and friends after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Grant graduated from Merced High School in 1999 and was united in marriage to Bethany Redondo in 2003. He was employed by Central Valley Concrete as a dispatcher. Grant enjoyed playing baseball, slow-pitch softball, and golf. Grant loved to spend time with his family, friends, and pets, but he was most passionate about coaching baseball for Merced High School.
Grant is survived in death by his wife Bethany Kuhr of Merced, CA; his parents Gary and Janet Kuhr of Riverside, CA; his sister Nicole and her husband Chris Hernandez and their children Kailee and Aidan; his brother Drew Kuhr of Riverside, CA; his grandparents Bruce and Florence Gray of Hilmar, CA; his grandfather Norman Kuhr of Chowchilla, CA; Andy and Rita Redondo of Merced, CA; and several other family members and many friends. He was preceded in death by his grandmother Virginia Kuhr and grandfather William Price.
The family would like to extend a special thanks to Hinds Hospice of Merced.
A visitation for Grant will be held on Friday, March 13 at Bear Creek Community Church from 4-8pm with a Celebration of Life Ceremony at 6:00pm. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 9:00am on Saturday, March 14th with graveside burial following in Chowchilla, CA. Funeral services directed by Stratford Evans Merced Funeral Chapel.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What Monica Gonzalez has been up to the last 10 years

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What Leia Carter has been up to the last 10 years

After graduation I went to Ricks College in Rexburg, ID to study Elementary Education. I spent a semester there and then two semesters back in Merced at Merced Community College. Living at home for that time was enough to convince me to get back up to Idaho to finish school there. While going to school in Idaho I met my husband, Brian. We were married in August of 2003. We finished up school together and then moved to Valdosta, GA for our first "real" job. We welcomed our first son Dallin to the world in February of 2005 and shortly thereafter moved across the country, stopping in Mississippi for two months, Louisiana for two months, and finally settling in California. Home Sweet Home! We lived in Merced for two and a half years.
During those years we we added to our family again with the birth of another son named Cody in July 2006, and a daughter named Brylee in February 2008. In April we moved, ...again, (for the 8th time since being married) and landed in Springfield, MO. We are enjoying life here in the Ozarks, but I sure miss California. I can't wait to get together for the reunion, I look forward to seeing you all!

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