After graduation I went to Ricks College in Rexburg, ID to study Elementary Education. I spent a semester there and then two semesters back in Merced at Merced Community College. Living at home for that time was enough to convince me to get back up to Idaho to finish school there. While going to school in Idaho I met my husband, Brian. We were married in August of 2003. We finished up school together and then moved to Valdosta, GA for our first "real" job. We welcomed our first son Dallin to the world in February of 2005 and shortly thereafter moved across the country, stopping in Mississippi for two months, Louisiana for two months, and finally settling in California. Home Sweet Home! We lived in Merced for two and a half years.

During those years we we added to our family again with the birth of another son named Cody in July 2006, and a daughter named Brylee in February 2008. In April we moved, ...again, (for the 8th time since being married) and landed in Springfield, MO. We are enjoying life here in the Ozarks, but I sure miss California. I can't wait to get together for the reunion, I look forward to seeing you all!